Francesco Gai

Role: Senior Researcher CNR

Affiliation: National Research Council, BioAgrofood Department, Institute of Sciences of Food Productions ISPA-CNR

Senior Researcher of the Italian National research Council at the Institute of Sciences of Food Productions CNR-ISPA  Turin Research Unit. He is an expert in Animal Sciences and more specifically in animal nutrition with a particular focus on the quality and food safety of derived products of animal origin. In particular, since the beginning of his career he has been involved in evaluating the use of non-conventional protein and lipid sources in the feeding of fish species, both freshwater and marine, of interest for aquaculture in order to improve not only the quality of the products, but also the sustainability of these productions in terms of environmental impact. As coordinator or partner he participate in different European projects on the use of insects as a source of alternative proteins, among which of particular interest are the Poultrynsect project “The use of live insect larvae to improve sustainability and animal welfare of organic chickens production” funded under the SUSFOOD2 CORE ORGANIC JOINT CALL 2019 call, and the ADVAGROMED “ADVanced AGROecological approaches based on the integration of insect farming with local field practices in MEDiterranean countries” and CIPROMED “Circular and Inclusive utilization of alternative PROteins in the MEDiterranean value chains” projects funded under the PRIMA Call 2021 and 2022 calls.


